Das Hauptquartier der US Streitkräfte in Europa hat gestern bekanntgegeben, das aufgrund des Weltweiten ausbruchs des CoronaVirus, weniger US Soldaten an der Übung Defender 20 Teilnehmen werden.


Hierzu wurde folgendes Statement abgegeben:

Release: 20-14
March 11, 2020

Exercise Defender-Europe 20 Update

STUTTGART, Germany – After careful review of the ongoing Defender-Europe 20
exercise activities and in light of the current Coronavirus outbreak, we
will modify the exercise by reducing the number of U.S. participants.
Activities associated with the exercise will be adjusted accordingly and
we’ll work closely with Allies and partners to meet our highest priority
training objectives.

The health protection of our force, and that of our Allies and partners, is
a top concern. We take the Coronavirus outbreak seriously and are confident
that by making this important decision we’ll continue to do our part to
prevent the further spread of the virus, while still maximizing our efforts
to advance our alliances and partnerships and enhancing our comprehensive
readiness to address any crisis or contingency.

As we work through the arrangements with our Allies and partners, we’ll
provide additional updates.


U.S. European Command is one of two U.S. forward-deployed geographic
combatant commands whose area of focus spans across Europe, portions of Asia
and the Middle East, the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. The command is composed
of approximately 70,000 military and civilian personnel and is responsible
for U.S. defense operations and relations with NATO and 51 countries. For
more information about U.S. European Command, visit https://www.eucom.mil.


Wie genau sich die reduzierung der eingesetzten Soldaten auf den Übungsverlauf auswirken wird wurde hier leider noch nicht genannt – sobald wir mehr wissen lest Ihr es zuerst auf Soldaten-Einsatzkraefte.com.

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